Welcome to CompPhy: a web-based collaborative platform for comparing phylogenies

Demonstration project
1. Import trees

CompPhy's data is organized in projects in which you can import up to two collections of trees in Newick format. Collections can contain a large number of trees. Trees can have branch lengths and supports.

2. Invite collaborators

You can create public or private projects and invite people to join them. Each project is stored online and can be accessed from anywhere with any device having Internet facility.

3. Work on the project

CompPhy implements various tools to help you display and compare trees: coloring, rerooting, (automatic) swapping, restricting to common taxa, computing supertrees, etc.

4. See changes live

Edit your trees and everything is immediately updated in your collaborators' browsers: every member of the project connected at this time sees the edits live, as you perform them.

Please cite CompPhy

"CompPhy: a web-based Collaborative Platform for Comparing Phylogenies", N. Fiorini, V. Lefort, F. Chevenet, V. Berry, A.-M. Arigon Chifolleau, BMC Evol Biol. 2014 Dec 14;14(1):253.

This tool is on development stage, some bugs could remain. Comments much welcome.